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We offer a variety of services to suit you and your dog.  Choose from Puppy Starter classes, Adult Obedience, Sport &Trick classes, Problem Behavior consultations or Temperament testing.  On top of that we offer all classes in both private training and group training environments.  


Puppy Training

Puppy training is suitable for dogs less than 5 months of age.  Choose from our group training or our private in-home puppy training.

Private Training

Our private "One-on-One" training puts all the focus on you and your dog.  Each session includes 30min of Patti personally training your dog followed by 30min of hands on coaching while you work with your dog.  The biggest advantage to one-on-one training is that you get a training program completely tailored for you and your dog on your schedule.  This is our favorite training option and most recommended.

Group Training

Group training provides the opportunity for you and your dog to work together in the presence of other dogs. Each dog receives some individual attention throughout the course.  Common problem behaviors will be dealt with but any major or uncommon problem behaviors will need separate one-on-one sessions.  Aggression is not dealt with in group sessions.

Sport & Trick Classes

Wear your dog out physically and mentally with our sport and trick classes.  These classes are meant to create a bond between you and your dog while having FUN!  Check our schedule for new classes like Tricks Class, Agility Club and Disc Doggin’.

Other Services

We offer a range of other services upon request (problem behavior, puppy temperament testing, perimeter training, breed selection, etc....).  If you don't see what you are looking for here, contact us and we will see what we can do.

Introductory Rates on for the Summer of 2015!

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